Sunday 15 June 2008


This week we did an exercise on Psychometry in our psychic development class. We had to pick an object out of a bag, which belonged to someone in the class, touch it, and write down what came to our minds. Any images(clairvoyance), feelings, vibrations,(clairsentience), or thoughts.

The person who the object belonged to, would then say whether anything that was said made sense. I had a few hits and misses. Some members of the class were very accurate, and it seems like this is something that they need to develop further.

Sunday 8 June 2008

Spiritual Healing workshop

I finished reading Harry Edwards guide to understanding spiritual healing last week, which tells you all you need to know about spiritual healing.

I was looking forward to the spiritual healing workshop that I had booked this week. There were a few of us at the workshop which worked out well, as we had space to ask questions. I enjoyed the day, and have a better understanding of what spiritual healing is.

There are some things that I took away from the workshop.

  1. You do not need to believe in spiritual healing in order for it to be effective.

  2. When you are healing if you put your hands on the patient, you have to ask.

  3. As a spiritual healer, you heal, but at the same time you are refreshed by spirit.

  4. The spiritual energy adjusts to each persons requirements.

  5. You are not allowed to diagnose when healing.

  6. The training for spiritual healing is approximately two years.

  7. You need to be insured while you are practicing.

  8. You cannot apply for private insurance until you are approved by a recognised body.
We looked at the different types of spiritual healing. Absent healing, which is when you send out healing to people who are not with you.

Contact healing, is when you are providing healing to someone who is with you, by the laying on of hands.

Magnetic healing, which is when you send out energy from yourself to your patient, rather than receive it from spirit.

We did several exercises practicing healing using colour, self-healing and contact healing, and astral plane therapy.

It is important if you feel drained after contact healing to have a relaxing bath, or go for a walk where there are trees.

I enjoyed all the exercises. I felt the energy when I was offered healing by the others. It was amazing. In some cases I felt heat and for the first time I experienced cold as well.Our tutor gave me some healing in one of the exercises, and I felt as if the area around my solar plexus was filled with warmth, and being opened up, it was amazing. It was useful getting feedback from the others on what they had sensed when I gave them healing.

At the end of the day, our tutor told us who our healing guides were. I was fascinated to hear I have two working with me.

Spiritual healing is something that I want to explore further,as I enjoyed the day.