Friday 23 May 2008

Time and patience in Psychic development classes

This week in our psychic development class we learned about meeting our animal guides. It was interesting looking at what different animals represent. I had not thought about animal guides before.

One of the students in the class was upset, as she had not seen anything in the meditation, and as our class is a mixture of beginners and intermediate students, she felt that she needed to see what the others saw. I tried to tell her not to make comparisons, as she was not comparing like with like. I also think that the way spirit communicates with one person, is not the way they will communicate with another.

The President in spirit at my local spiritualist church, I was told ,sat in a circle for twelve years, and did not see a thing. However, after the twelve year period she became a well known medium. I saw a medium at the SAGB this month, and he told me he sat in circle for three years, and didn't get any messages, and then it all started to happen. I can see how frustrating it may be for some people, however I am aware it can take years of patience and regular attendance at circles before spirit communicates.

I believe that spirit communicates with us when they feel we are ready. There are exceptions, for example people who are born with the gift,and see spirit,at a young age, but some of them still go to circles, to develop further.

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